Draft Minutes 29.2.24
OTES of a Parish Council meeting held at The Village Hall, West Street, Brant Broughton on
29th February 2024.
Present: Cllr M George (MG) (in the Chair), Cllrs P Dunning (PD), A. Early (AE); J. Salmon (JS); K. Salmon (KS); and S. Swain (SS), also Dist Cllr L Hagues. There were two members of the public present.
A member of the public raised concerns over issues he has in his property with toilets backing up when there is a lot of rain. This appears to be because rainwater is going into the sewage system and not into soakaways. West Street, Swans Lane and part of High Street all have a similar problem. Anglian Water has put a camera down the drain and says it is clear. The Housing Office has not offered any help. A question was asked whether AW could increase the pumping capacity. AW did a survey a year ago looking into soakaways and said the earliest this may happen would be April 2024. The contact at LCC is Technical Services reece.fowkes@lincolnshire.gov.uk. Clerk to contact the EA and AW to offer support – copy Cllr Hagues in.
23/81: Apologies –there were none.
23/82: There were no declarations of interest.
23/83: Minutes of the meeting held on 11th January 2024 were read, approved and signed.
23/84: Information Boards – JS, KS and SS are collating the photographs and information for the Boards in BB. The Chair is checking who owns the strip of land outside the Church fence at Stragglethorpe and will collate the information and photos for a Board to be placed there. Further work is required to agree fonts, style, size etc.
23/85: Highways – Hawthorn trees on verge at 114 High Street – still no update. With regard to 30 mph signs – resolved to purchase 12 x 30 mph signs at £20 each. Clerk to order. The only suggestions for electric charging points were the car park at the playing field but their Committee would need to agree this, or the lay by at Meeting House Lane, near Robinson Place.
23/86: Police Fraud packs – Order 24 and flag up on noticeboards where they can be obtained
23/87: Emergency Plan – at the recent Cluster Meeting, Mary Green advised that ourselves, Carlton le Moorland and Bassingham have expressed an interest to do a joint plan. She will email us when there is any update.
23/88: Planning
23/0887 – new dwelling at Guildford Yard –pending consideration.
23/1047 – Retrospective application for pergola at Generous Briton – approved.
23/1307 – Application for Prior Notification re demolitions at 32 High Street – prior approval not required.
23/1400 – Application for Lawful Development Certificate for use of Marshalls Mill – pending consideration.
23/1522 – Tree works at 12 Maltkiln Lane – approved.
24/0058 – Brant House, Stragglethorpe - 4 bay garage with living accommodation above – pending consideration.
24/0072 – Tree works at 120 High Street – pending consideration.
24/0141 - Tree works at Dovecote House, 7 Guildford Lane – pending consideration.
24/0142 – Tree works at 2-4 Meeting House Lane – pending consideration.
23/89: Rectory Field trees: SS has spoken to various people who have said soil here is too fertile and would therefore encourage dock leaves etc but he will confer with our grounds-person. Note that Simpsons will be trimming apple trees week commencing 20th March.
23/90: Cluster meeting – SS had attended and the Internal Drainage Board gave a presentation and mentioned that pumping stations have been working overtime since October 2023 and are struggling to cope. Some ditches are running high but others are okay. He did say that landowners need to be active. The phone number for the Enforcement Officer is 01522 697123. Next meeting is 3rd June and SS and AE will attend.
23/91: Finance:
Resolved to sign the bank reconciliation/income/expenditure sheets at
31.1.24. Bank balance at 31.1.24 is £20,175.84.
23/92: Next meeting – 11th April and this will start with the Annual Parish Meeting at 6.30 with the Ordinary meeting at 7 pm.
Agenda items needed by 28th March.