May 2023 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting
Brant Broughton and Stragglethorpe Parish Council
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council meeting held at The Village Hall, West Street, Brant Broughton on Thursday 11th May 2023 at 7 pm.
Present: Cllr M George (MG) (in the Chair), Cllrs P. Dunning (PD) , A. Early (AE) , J. Salmon (JS), and K. Salmon (KS). There were no members of the public present
MG welcomed all present
23/01: Apologies for absence: Cllr P. Thornburn.
23/02: All Councillors signed their Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
23/03: It was proposed by KS and seconded by AE that MG continue as Chair.
23/04: MG accepted the nomination and signed her Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
23/05: It was proposed by MG and seconded by AE that JS continue as Vice.
23/06: JS accepted the nomination and signed her Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
23/07: The Chair read out her report and a copy is attached to these minutes.
23/08: Election of Councillors to various roles:
Church – PT Finance & grants – KS & MG Communications - AE
School – MG Village Hall – JS Phone box – Steve Swain
HR – PD, JS and AE GDPR - Clerk
Assets: PD [Rectory Field], JS– Asset register and remaining assets inspection.
23/09: Review of Policy documents: Clerk and Councillors had reviewed our documents. All documents accepted and Clerk advised that new Financial Regulations would be forthcoming some time this year. Chair questioned whether we needed to retain the Protocol for Remote Access meetings and it was agreed that it was better to retain this.
Meeting closed at 7.20 pm