May 2023 Minutes
NOTES of a Parish Council meeting held at The Village Hall, West Street, Brant Broughton on
25th May 2023
Present: Cllr M George (MG) (in the Chair), Cllrs. P. Dunning (PD), J. Salmon (JS);
K. Salmon (KS) and P. Thornburn (PT). Dist Cllr L Hagues attended and there were two members of the public present.
Members of the public asked whether village gates could be installed in Brant Broughton. It was explained that originally, it was agreed that BB would get SIDs and Stragglethorpe got village gates. The LRSP and Highways had advised us that the verges are not wide enough to take even small gates and PT explained that when he drives the coach he struggles to stay off the verges on the bends at BB. Clerk to ask Highways to re-assess BB.
Cllr Hagues said there is little to report – NK had had its first full Council meeting on 18th May.
23/10: Apologies – Cllr A. Early.
23/11: Co-option S. Swain – Steve Swain apologised that he was unable to attend the meeting but had completed his DPI form and Acceptance of Office form beforehand. It was unanimously agreed to co-opt him, in his absence.
23/12: Minutes of the meetings held on 9th March and 11th May had been read, were approved, and it was unanimously resolved that they be signed.
23/13: Noticeboards – KS had purchased the materials (£41.88) and will start work next week.
23/14: Information boards – KS advised that we are awaiting information from Cllr Swain.
23/15: Planning
23/0091 – Land at Orchard House, Stragglethorpe – condition variation – approved.
23/0437 – Tree works at 10 Maltkiln Lane – approved.
23/16: Relief in Need Charity – Unanimously agreed that Dennis Major should be appointed by the PC as Trustee for the Charity.
23/17: Policy for Donations to Charities: Clerk to circulate suggested amendments to Grants Policy to include donations to Charities.
23/18: Finance:
[A] Resolved to sign the bank reconciliation/income/expenditure sheets at
31.3.23 and 30.4.23. Bank balance at 30.4.23 is £33,940.56.
Payments since last meeting: Salary and expenses £1240.64; Bank service charge
£18; Village hall hire £32; LALC membership £250.94; Coronation expenses £159.87;
PFA grant £1783.64.
[B] Clerk presented Insurance renewal figures from two providers and it was agreed
to go with Zurich, dependent on 3 year agreement cost.
[C] (i) Resolved to sign AGAR Certificate of Exemption 2022/23.
(ii) Resolved to sign AGAR Annual Governance Statement 2022/23.
(iii) Resolved to sign AGAR Accounting Statement 2022/23.
[D] Resolved to pay internal auditor £50.
23/19: Next meeting – 6th July 2023.
Meeting closed at 7.28 pm.