January 2024 Minutes

MINUTES of a Parish Council meeting held at The Village Hall, West Street, Brant Broughton on 

11th January 2024.


Present: Cllr M George (MG) (in the Chair), Cllrs P Dunning, A. Early (AE); J. Salmon (JS); K. Salmon (KS); S. Swain (SS) and P. Thornburn (PT).  There were no members of the public present.  


23/69: Apologies –D/Cllr Hagues.    

23/70: There were no declarations of interest. 

23/71: Minutes of the meeting held on 23rd November 2023 were read, approved (after a correction of a typing error on the date) and signed.

23/72:  Information boards – SS had distributed his ideas for information on each of the respective boards. No responses had been received to requests for information.  NK had been advised of the four proposed locations and has asked for Google maps showing each location.  When we use photographs we must be aware of copyright implications.  AE suggested we ask if anyone has old photographs at a Warm Hub meeting at the VH.  PD will provide info on The Forge, the Church and others.

23/73: Highways – Hawthorn trees on verge at 114 High Street – clerk had chased on Fix My Street but not had any response.  They are instructing an arborologist.

23/74: Emergency Plan – at the recent Cluster Meeting, Mary Green suggested that there be a joint plan with other villages.  This was discussed and agreed it would be worth following up.  

23/75: Planning

23/0887 – new dwelling at Guildford Yard –pending consideration.

23/1047 – Retrospective application for pergola at Generous Briton – pending consideration.

23/1065 – Replacement render at Brant House, Stragglethorpe – approved.

23/1120 – Extensions and alterations at 126 High Street, BB – approved.

23/1202 – Extension and skylight at 23 West Street – approved.

23/1277 – Tree works at 110 High Street – approved.

23/1282 – Tree works at 3 High Street – approved.

23/1307 – Application for Prior Notification re demolitions at 32 High Street – pending consideration.

23/1316 – demolition of conservatory and erection of garden room at 106 High Street – approved.

23/1336 – Tree works at 21 West Street – approved.

23/1400 – Application for Lawful Development Certificate for use of Marshalls Mill – pending consideration.

23/1522 – Tree works at 12 Maltkiln Lane – response agreed – clerk to respond to NKDC saying an arborologist’s report is required.




23/76: Rectory Field trees: Clerk had had two quotes for tidying up apple trees – resolved to instruct Simpsons.  SS will talk to grass cutter concerning planting of wildflower seeds as this must no interfere with his mowing regime.


23/77: Christmas tree on Village Geen and  lights for Rectory Field – thanks were made to all involved in both these projects – both trees looked very nice.  A question was raised whether we could do something at Stragglethorpe this year – query decorate the village gates or noticeboard.


23/78: Cluster meeting – AE and SS had attended at Norton Disney.  Ben Atkins from the Lost Village Festival was the speaker and mentioned that there had been a number of noise issues raised so they are looking into ways of alleviating that problem.  There was mention of possible funding for community groups.  Next meeting is on 26th February at Witham St Hughs and AE wanted to put forward a date of 6th June for us to host the Cluster Meeting.  This is the date of the D-Day Landings memorial so may not be possible.


23/79:   Finance:  

              Resolved to sign the bank reconciliation/income/expenditure sheets at 

               30.11.23 and 31.12.23.   Bank balance at 31.12.23 is £20,740.20.  


Chair then said she wished to congratulate the Village Hall Committee on the range of activities they have put on recently, which have been well supported.  

PD said that there have been sewage problems in High Street recently and was reminded that any complaints should be made to Anglian Water; JS said that this has been a problem for a very long time and that the sewer pipes are not big enough to cope.  The sewage works are pumped out more frequently but a new much larger sewer pipe is required.  

We considered whether we would want to do anything to mark 80 years since the D-Day landings but we have not done anything in the past.  Chair said she hoped the bell ropes at St Michael’s would be replaced in time to join in with other churches bell ringing on 6th June.

Clerk advised that legislation says we need to do a lot of work on our website making all documents PDF/A (accessible to visually impaired).  This entailed a lot of work and she asked if we could join WMS (the LALC webmaster service) – a cost of about £150 – this was unanimously agreed.

Finally, some of our 30 mph signs are broken and need replacing – Clerk to ask LRSP to put new ones up where required in BB High Street and Stragglethorpe.


23/80: Next meeting – 29th February 2024.

             Agenda items needed by 15th February.


Meeting closed at 7.50 pm