November 2023 Minutes

MINUTES of a Parish Council meeting held at The Village Hall, West Street, Brant Broughton on 23rd November 2023


Present: Cllr M George  (MG) (in the Chair),  A. Early (AE); J. Salmon (JS); K. Salmon (KS);

 S. Swain (SS) and C/Cllr M Overton (later on).  There was 1 member of the public present. 

There were no questions from the member of the public.

Cty Cllr Overton was advised that her Newsletter had been circulated.  There is the possibility of a new mayoral layer of Government. There is more money coming from Government due to the failed HS2 project which has created about £36 billion and LCC should get a fair chunk of that.  It will cost around £2 million to set up a new office for a mayor and there are hidden costs in time and LCC staff. There will be a consultation but it is weighted in favour of going ahead and the questions will be weighted  to get it through.


23/55: Apologies – Cllrs Dunning and Thorburn and D/Cllr Hagues.    

23/56: Cllr Early declared an interest in item 9 of the agenda (23/1196 and 23/1316).

23/57: Minutes of the meeting held on 12th October 2023 were read, approved and signed.

23/58: Noticeboards – All 4 noticeboards are now refurbished – many thanks to Cllr K Salmon for the work he has done on this project.

23/59: Information boards – request for information has gone on Facebook and will be in the Village News that is to be published imminently. 

23/60: Highways – Hawthorn trees on verge at 114 High Street – clerk had chased on Fix My Street but not had any response.

23/61: Road closures – A607 at Normanton on Cliffe has re-opened today (1.5 weeks earlier than expected).  C001 between Gorse Hill Lane and Stragglethorpe will be closed from 17th November to 18th December.

23/62: Flooding: thanks to all councillors and public who helped the people whose properties were flooded. Three councillors attended as soon as they were aware of the problem at Welbourn Road.  KS and JS have been to a meeting with the Environment Agency.  The PC will now consider an Emergency Plan and SS will look into what is involved/required.

23/63: Planning

23/0676 – Solar panels at Broughton House College – approved.

23/0887 – new dwelling at Guildford Yard – send note that we are already over our limit and there has been no public consultation.

23/0978 – Extension and garage at Harts Close, Welbourn Road – approved.

23/1011 – Tree works at 60 High Street, BB – approved.

23/1047– Retrospective application for pergola at Generous Briton – pending consideration.

23/1057 –Replacement windows and doors at 19 High Street, BB –approved.

23/1065–Replacement render at Brant House, Stragglethorpe – pending consideration.

23/1120 – Extensions and alterations at 126 High Street, BB – pending consideration.

23/1126 – Tree works at 21 West Street, BB – approved.

23/1196 – Tree works at 106 High Street, BB – refused.

23/1202 – Extension and skylight at 23 West Street – pending consideration.

23/1277 – Tree works at 110 High Street – pending consideration.

23/1282 – Tree works at 3 High Street – pending consideration.

23/1316 – demolition of conservatory and erection of garden room at 106 High Street – no objections by PC.


23/64:  Litter pick – thank you to the pre-school and their team of litter pickers. 

              Unfortunately C001 to Stragglethorpe did not have any helpers from the organisers. 

              Note to litter picking teams that they must call NKDC to arrange collection of the bags,

              after the Pick.


23/65: Rectory Field trees: It was resolved unanimously that the Parish Council will adopt and  

             take responsibility for all trees in Rectory Field.   PB had offered to cut the grass around

             the benches and trees and to create a path through the grass – agreed.  Suggested

             that we scatter wildflower seeds – SS to contact PS.  Clerk to get two quotes for getting

             the apple trees topped or pollarded – as per any recommendations by contractors.


23/66: Christmas tree lights for Rectory Field – Clerk to order 2 sets of bright white lights

             from Christmas Time UK plus batteries.   Delivery to be to Cllrs Salmon.


23/67:   Finance:  

              Resolved to sign the bank reconciliation/income/expenditure sheets at


The mid-year internal audit is complete and we passed with a few recommendations

which the Clerk has dealt with.

The Grants Working Party had considered the grant applications and the total agreed

for this year is £8,616.Proposed by KS, seconded by MG and resolved unaninmously

that these be accepted.

Clerk had prepared a budget sheet for the precept calculation and Councillors had

considered the proposal put forward.Proposed by JS, seconded by KS and resolved

unanimously that the precept be increased by 3% to £19.882.


23/68: Next meeting – 11th January 2024.

Agenda items required by 28th December 2023.      


Meeting closed at 7.50 pm