August 2023 Minutes
MINUTES of a Parish Council meeting held at The Village Hall, West Street, Brant Broughton on
31st August 2023
Present: Cllr M George (MG) (in the Chair),), A. Early (AE); J. Salmon (JS); K. Salmon (KS); S. Swain (SS) and P. Thornburn (PT). There were no members of the public present.
We had been asked to remove Item 10 from the Agenda.
23/29: Apologies – Cllr P Dunning and Dist Cllr L Hagues.
23/30: There were no declarations of interest.
23/31: Minutes of the meeting held on 6th July were read , approved and signed.
23/32: Noticeboards – work has commenced on the refurbishment.
23/33: Information boards – the first quote had been received but needed some clarification – a second quote is expected. Suggestions for Boards to be placed in Rectory Field, on Village Hall Green, on the playing field and one in Stragglethorpe. Various parishioners will be asked to help with the information required to go into the Boards. The Board for the playing field will have a memorial plaque incorporated into it, as requested by a late parishioner’s son.
23/34: Highways – Archer surveys for both villages are to hand and it is felt that we cannot do anything further in this regard. Chair reminded Councillors of the Drainage Survey should they wish to participate.
23/35: Planning
23/0573- LBC for works at Quaker House – approved
23/0664– Change of use of shop to hairdressers – 69 High Street – approved.
23/0754 – Conversions and extensions at 112 High Street, BB – pending consideration.
23/0799 – Tree works at 68 High Street, BB – approved.
23/0801 – Tree works at 126 High Street, BB – approved.
23/0836 – Works at 68 High Street, BB – pending consideration.
23/0939 – Tree works at 2 Church Walk – pending consideration.
23/36: Finance:
Resolved to sign the bank reconciliation/income/expenditure sheets at
31.7.23. Bank balance at 31.7.23 is £27,927.37. Advised that NKDC election
costs were £71.70.
23/37: Summer Holiday activities – there had been two “workshops” and both were well attended. Agreed that the balance of budgeted funding will be kept towards summer activities in 2024.
23/38: Cluster meeting – Cllrs AE and JS will attend this meeting which is primarily about the Fosse Green Energy proposal.
23/39: Relief in Need Charity – a report had been provided by the Trustees – thanks to go to them for all their hard work in resolving the issues with this Charity.
23/40: Christmas tree – resolved that Cllrs JS and KS will arrange a tree from Syston Farm. PT asked that the tree in Rectory Field has lights put on it which will involve a cherry picker or scaffolding. The lights can stay on the tree all year round but an electric box will be required over the Christmas period. PT to get quotes.
23/41: Next meeting – 12th October 2023.
Meeting closed at 19.40.