December 2022 Agenda

Brant Broughton and Stragglethorpe Parish Council  

Meeting of the Parish Council 



Members of Brant Broughton and Stragglethorpe Parish Council are summoned to attend a Meeting on Thursday 8th December 2022.

The meeting will be held in the Village/Jubilee Hall on West Street, Brant Broughton.

There will be a closed session at 6.40 pm for Councillors only (staffing matters) followed by the main meeting.


Agenda – 7 pm.




1. Public time to include County and District Councillor reports.  


2. Apologies for absence. 


3. Resolution to approve the Minutes of meetings held on 27th October 2022.


4. Christmas Tree – now in place.


5. Stragglethorpe straw debris – update by Cllr George.


6. School Safety Zone – update.


7. Dog faeces – any improvement?


8. Noticeboard for Stragglethorpe – discussion and resolution.


9. Information boards – update by Cllrs Swain and K Salmon.


10. Litter bins – now in place.


11. Planning –

22/1118 – conversion at 106B High Street -approved.

22/1271 – LBC replacement windows at The School House, BB – approved.

22/1293 – extensions at 99 High Street – approved.

22/1572 – reserved matters for land north of Vineyard Cottage, Stragglethorpe – pending consideration.

22/1573 – extensions at Sandbeck Lodge, Stragglethorpe – pending consideration.

22/1586 – tree works at 110 High Street – pending consideration.

22/1593 – tree works at 18 Church Lane, BB – pending consideration.

22/1679 – 114 High Street, BB – insulation and rendering – pending consideration.


12. Financial –   Resolve to sign Bank Reconciliations at 31.10.22 and 30.11.22.

              Bank balance at 30.11.22 is £21,960.32.

              Payments since last meeting:  Salaries and expenses £706.02; Hall hire £15; 

Dog bins & noticeboard 710.02; CHT tree maintenance £800; Internal audit £70;

              Grass cutting £629; Renewal of McAfee £89.99; PFA grant £1036.95.


              Precept – total grants agreed £10,871.  Resolution to approve precept of £19,303.

              CIL monies (£1781) – resolution to use for litter bins, benches & noticeboard - £1811


13. Date of next meeting – 19th January 2023.


                                                                                      Signed:  Lesley Frances              Clerk to BBS PC


                                                                                      Tel: 07916 628673


                                                                                      Date published:  2nd December 2022.