August 2022 Agenda

Brant Broughton and Stragglethorpe Parish Council  

Meeting of the Parish Council 



Members of Brant Broughton and Stragglethorpe Parish Council are summoned to attend a Meeting on Thursday 4th August  2022 at 7.30 pm 

The meeting will be held in the Village/Jubilee Hall on West Street, Brant Broughton.





1. Declarations of interest


2. Public time to include County and District Councillor reports.  


3. Apologies for absence. 


4. Resolution to approve the Minutes of meetings held on 12th May 2022.


5. Co-option – currently we have two interested parties.  Confirm interview process and date.


6. Trees and Rectory Field– pollarding of tree on village green – 3rd and 4th October.

Metal tree guards – now in place.

Benches – ordered 2 Lowther benches – delivery awaited.

Ginnell – additional work acknowledged and cost will be put on next bill.


7. Bus shelter – noticeboard has been ordered.  Delivery (to KS) awaited.


8. Planning –

22/0676 – tree works at The Barn, West Street – allowed.

22/0759 – tree works at 120A High Street, BB – approved.

22/0968 – tree works at 6 Maltkiln Lane, BB – pending consideration.

22/0944 – change of use of agricultural barn to dwelling at Brant Lodge, Church Lane, Stragglethorpe – pending consideration.

22/1032 – Prior notification of agricultural development – store shed & grain store

 Brant House Farm.



9. Financial –   Resolve to sign Bank Reconciliation at 30.6.22

              Bank balance at 30.6.22 is £30,363.17.

              Payments since last meeting:  Salary and expenses £717.18; Jubilee £132.60;  

              VH hire £15; Metal tree supports £474.00; Grass cutting £580; Bank service charge 

              £18; Cricket Club grant £200; Village Hall Grant £1902.

              Resolve to pay CHT annual maintenance charge £162.



10. Date of next meeting – 15th September 2022.


                                                                       Signed:  Lesley Frances             

                                                                       Clerk to BBS PC


                                                                      Tel: 07916 628673


                                                                      Date published:   29th July 2022.