June 2022 Agenda

Brant Broughton and Stragglethorpe Parish Council  

Meeting of the Parish Council 



Members of Brant Broughton and Stragglethorpe Parish Council are summoned to attend a Meeting on Thursday 23rd June 2022 at 7.30 pm 

The meeting will be held in the Village/Jubilee Hall on West Street, Brant Broughton.





1. Declarations of interest


2. Public time to include County and District Councillor reports.  


3. Apologies for absence. Note resignation of Karen Cain.


4. Resolution to approve the Minutes of meetings held on 12th May 2022.


5. Appoint councillor to link with Church.


6. Trees and Rectory Field– pollarding of tree on village green – 3rd and 4th October.

Metal tree guards – ordered – out for delivery today (tbc).

Benches – resolution on two new benches – choice and cost.

Increase in grass cutting costs - £7 per cut (£56 per half year (10%)).


7. Bus shelter – resolution as to purchase of noticeboard (Cllr S Swain).


8. Planning –

22/0198 – Guildford House, West Street – various additions – approved.

22/0579 – Village Hall – tree works – approved.

22/0676 – tree works at The Barn, West Street – pending consideration.

22/0759 – tree works at 120A High Street, BB – pending consideration.


9. Code of Conduct – consider new Code of Conduct and resolve whether to retain the exiting one or adopt the new one.


10. Queens Platinum Jubilee – conclusion and thanks.



11. Financial –   Resolve to sign Bank Reconciliation at 31.5.22

              Bank balance at 31.5.22 is £34,401.95.

              Payments since last meeting:  Salary and expenses £387.31; Jubilee £211.79;  

              Internal audit £30; ICO sub £35; Zurich insurance £285.31; VH hire £15.


12. Date of next meeting – 4th August 2022.

                                                                                      Signed:  Lesley Frances Clerk to BBS PC

                                                                                      E-mail:   bbsparish@gmail.com

                                                                                     Tel: 07916 628673


                                                                                      Date published:   17th June 2022.