Minutes 10.10.24
MINUTES of a Brant Broughton & Stragglethorpe Parish Council meeting held at The Jubilee Hall, West Street, Brant Broughton on 10th October 2024 at 7 pm.
Present: Cllr M George (MG) (in the Chair), Cllrs A. Early (AE); J. Salmon (JS); K. Salmon (KS); and S.Swain (SS) – and one member of the public.
Public Forum: The member of the public did not wish to raise anything. The Chair , on behalf of a parishioner, said that there is to be a Carol Service at Stragglethorpe Church this year and asked whether the PC would purchase a Christmas tree and solar lights. A Christmas tree could be sourced from a local parishioner for a charitable donation (to be confirmed). It was resolved that the PC would pay for the tree at approximately £20 and decorations to the value of £50 – needed 7-10 days before Christmas.
The meeting then commenced.
24/53: Apologies –Cty Cllr M Overton and Cllr P. Dunning. It was resolved to accept her absence.
24/54: AE offered a declaration of interest in item 7 (24/1010) of the Agenda as this is her neighbour’s property.
24/55: Minutes of the meeting held on 19th September were read, approved and signed.
24/56: Information Boards – The information for the playing field is almost ready for circulation; all three others are with Allen Signs. SS will put the playing field draft in to Allen Signs shortly and at the same time chase them up on the other 3.
24/57: Highways – Cllr Early’s husband now has what he needs to download the information from the SIDs which he hopes to have available for our November meeting.
The hedge to the rear of 25 High Street and alongside 27 High Street/Rectory Field has trees within it. Clerk to look into whether Planning Consent is required before any works carried out and then get quotes to include hedging along Rectory Field/27 High Street boundary.
24/58: Emergency Plan – there is an induction course on 28.10.25 which SS will attend – one other Councillor may also go along.
24/59: Planning
23/0887 – New dwelling at Guildford Yard, West Street – pending consideration.
24/0433 – Midvil House, Meeting House Lane, extensions and new gate – approved.
24/1010 – 110 High Street – extensions – pending consideration. Concern was raised about the soil pipes – clerk to write to Planning to ensure that Anglian Water look at the proposals.
24/1020 – Tree works at 34 High Street – pending consideration.
24/1043 – Tree works at 53 High Street – pending consideration.
The screening opinion for the anaerobic digestion and biomethane production plant - no more action required at this stage. Note – there have been a lot of accidents in the past few weeks along the A17 near the BBS junction.
24/60: Village Show – JS spoke with the VH who agreed that 3 boxes of trophies can be stored in the boiler room but the Village Show Committee must insure them themselves. Cllr Thornburn can now deal direct with the VH.
24/61: Finance:
(a) It was resolved to accept the bank reconciliation at 30.9.24 – balance at 30.9.24 is £19,333.31.
(b) Internal audit is in progress.
(c) Deadline for Grant applications is 24.10.24. A meeting of the Finance Committee will take place on 1.11.24 at 3 pm at KS’s house to put forward proposals for consideration at the PC meeting on 14th November.
The autumn Litter pick was a great success and very well organised – Clerk to write to the Brant Broughton CE and Methodist Primary School PTA to thank them.
24/62: Next meeting – 14th November 2024.
Meeting closed at 7.37 pm.