Draft Minutes 14.11.24
NOTES of a Brant Broughton & Stragglethorpe Parish Council meeting held at The Jubilee Hall, West Street, Brant Broughton on 14th November 2024 at 7 pm.
Present: Cllr M George (MG) (in the Chair), Cllrs A. Early (AE); J. Salmon (JS); K. Salmon (KS); and S.Swain (SS); D/C L Hagues and C/C M Overton plus two members of the public.
Public Forum: A member of the public questioned the principle of a councillor asking a question in the public forum. It was explained that she was asking for a member of the public. Agreed that the Minutes would be amended to reflect this. The matter was an agenda item later in this meeting.
D/C Hagues said that she had attended a meeting concerning Emergency Plans which have been updated recently. There are concerns re flooding, fire, a plane crash etc and contact numbers are required for parishioners, along with a place to go. Sandbags are a problem as they cannot be disposed of and blow-up bags are preferable. A Parish councillor had been unable to attend the induction course, but had received a template to prepare a Plan and will bring this to the next meeting of the PC.
C/C Overton said that the Mayoral election will take place on 1st May 2025. Only 4 of 7 District Councils will be allowed to speak at meetings. Solar information shows that there are 7000 acres of solar farms now; the power station will take 18,000 acres and negotiations are taking place with farmers to sell land. Villages will be set in industrial areas.
The meeting then commenced at 7.15 pm.
24/63: Apologies –Cllrs P Dunning and P Thornburn. It was resolved to accept their absence.
24/64: There were no declarations of interest.
24/65: Minutes of the meeting held on 10th October were read, slightly amended, approved and signed.
24/66: Information Boards – Allen Signs have been advised that there are 3 completed waiting to be signed off. Cllrs J and K Salmon have theirs amended and the layout agreed. When the four boards are ready, we need to consider whether we want them to be more corporate. We need to ensure BBS PC is shown as the editor. We need to agree the font and background colour. The four councillors who have drawn up editorial will meet to finalise these details for Allen Signs.
24/67: Highways – Councillors had received the report from the SID at the fire station end of the village which was dated incorrectly but nonetheless was relevant. Clerk to send a copy of this report to C/C Overton to show the amount of traffic going through the village to support her “volume of traffic” issue. Clerk also to write to Richard Fenwick (LCC Highways) as the PC is very concerned about the number of accidents on the A17.
Clerk to say that although speed is not the primary cause of accidents, a speed reduction scheme would cause less damage. Also mention the number of times Stragglethorpe crossroads are closed.
The two quotes for hedge cutting at 25/27 High Street were considered and it was agreed we would go with P & P Tree Services – work to be done when planning approved.
24/68: Tree planting by Pre-School – it was agreed that the Clerk should respond to the School saying that they should plant the tree within the school grounds so that they can maintain it.
24/69: Emergency Plan – see Public Forum note.
24/70: Planning
23/0887 – New dwelling at Guildford Yard, West Street – pending consideration.
24/1010 – 110 High Street – extensions – pending consideration.
24/1020 – Tree works at 34 High Street – approved.
24/1043 – Tree works at 53 High Street – approved.
24/1234 – Tree/hedge works at 25 and 27 High Street – pending consideration.
24/1252 – Tree works at 66 High Street – pending consideration.
24/71: Response to consultation on remote meetings and proxy voting – The results were noted and the Clerk will send in response. In extreme circumstances (such as a pandemic) agree to remote meetings and proxy votes.
24/72: Finance:
(a) It was resolved to accept the bank reconciliation at 31.10.24– balance at 31.10.24 is £17,959.85
(b) Resolved to confirm a payment of £70 for Christmas tree and decorations for Stragglethorpe Church, and purchase lights for the Rectory Field tree at approximately £30.
(c) Resolved to agree payment of £70 to the internal auditor.
(d) Resolved to accept the grants for 2025-2026 as agreed by the Chair, Clerk and Cllr K Salmon – totalling £10,144. It was resolved to agree a total of £10,000 for all grants made, to be reviewed every two years.
(e) Discussion took place and it was resolved (4 for and 1 abstention) to request an increase of 15 percent on last year’s precept making £22,864 for 2025-26.
(f) It was resolved to move £1,000 summer school reserves to general fund.
24/73: Meeting dates 2025: these were circulated to Councillors. Note the January meeting is now 2nd as hall booked on 9th.
24/74: Next meeting – 2nd January 2025.
Meeting closed at 8.25 pm
Agenda items by 20th December 2024 please.