November 2020 Minutes

Brant Broughton and Stragglethorpe Parish Council

Minutes of Parish Council meeting held by Zoom  on Thursday 26th November at 7.30 pm.

Present: Cllr M George (MG) (in the Chair), Cllrs K. Cain (KC), P. Dunning (PD), J. Salmon (JS), K. Salmon (KS), and S. Swain (SS) also Dist Cllr M Green . There were 8 members of the public present.

MG welcomed all present and explained that she would not be taking any comments from visitors once the items on the Agenda had commenced, after the public forum.  She said she was grateful for the support from Chris Spray as a District Councillor and wished him well.  Items 7 and last item of 8 on the Agenda, would be brought forward for public questions.

20/41: Declarations of interest:  There were none.

20/42: Public time: The Chair gave a precis of what had taken place with regard to FP13 and said that the current consultation is to amend the map to suit the footpath on the ground.  A member of the public had asked Chris Marsh for a waymarker and he had said he will arrange a replacement – two members of the public thanked the Parish Council for their work regarding this footpath.

9 West Street -  The Chair advised the public that the PC would be opposing this application.  Two members of the public had put in their objections to NKDC and appreciated that the PC would be opposing the application.

20/43: Apologies – There were none (Cllr Thornburn did not attend the meeting due to problems with his router). 

20/44: Minutes of the meeting held on 22nd October had been read, were slightly amended and then approved, and it was resolved that they be signed.  

20/45: Protocol on Remote Access to Meetings – a draft had been forwarded to councillors prior to this meeting and it was resolved that it be adopted.  Clerk will put on websites.

20/46: Highways – No works had taken place at the pavement outside Spring Cottage (121 High Street) and Broughton College on the High Street – clerk to chase Marianne Overton.  The stopping up of Green Lane, Stragglethorpe is still in abeyance as the Court hearing  has still to take place.

20/47: FP 13 – it was agreed that nothing more could be done by the PC and members of the public affected should consider their own responses to the consultation.

20/48: Planning

20/1127 – vehicular access and new gates at The Bothy – pending consideration.   

20/1185 – erection of front porch and dormer extensions at 14 Church Lane – approved.    20/1286 and 1359 – tree works at The Heritage Rooms –approved.

              20/1317 – variation of condition at 14 Church Lane, BB – approved;

              20/1408 – tree works at the Almshouses – approved;

              20/1409 – tree works at Church Walk – approved;

              20/1488 – change of use of telephone kiosk – pending consideration;

              20/1538 – tree works at 112 High Street, BB – pending consideration.


9 West Street:  The PC will object to this application on the grounds that we are already over our allocation, there has been no community support as required by the Local Plan (LP4); flooding; scale; traffic.  Clerk to draft response for agreement by Chair.  Consultation had been poor as there were no contact details on the letter delivered to nearby residents.

20/49: Adoption of Phone Box: the application for planning has been submitted and registered at NKDC.  Likely outcome early in new year but as pre-application advice had been sought, it is hoped that it will be approved.  Chair had contacted a company at Newark regarding refurbishment but they only supply parts.  When we have approval from planning, we will contact the original parties who showed an interest in refurbishing the phone box.


20/50: Christmas tree – the tree has been ordered from Doddington Hall and will be delivered on 4th December – should be put behind village hall until it is put up and decorated on 5th December.  Clerk to contact Doddington Hall. 


20/51: Grants – the total for grants agreed for 2021/2022 is £9,454.  Clerk had circulated a spreadsheet showing proposed figures for the precept when discussed and agreed at the January meeting.  A member of the public had e-mailed asking that £500 be put aside this year for celebrating the Queens Platinum Jubilee in 2022and the same amount next year – we already hold £400 in reserves for village events.  This will be considered at the January meeting.


20/52:  Finance:  Clerk had circulated a spreadsheet looking at the precept for 2021-2022.  The final figures will be agreed at the January meeting.

Resolved to sign the bank reconciliation/income/expenditure sheet at 31.10.20.  The bank balance at that date is £20,989.69.

             Payments since last meeting:

Salaries and expenses £330.28; Audit fee £240; Computer maintenance £35;

Zoom subscription £60; PFA grant £190; Baby & Toddlers grant £127.10; PCC grant £269.


20/53: - Meeting dates 2021 – Clerk had circulated a list of dates which had been agreed with the Village Hall bookings clerk with the exception of the January date.  This will more than likely be a virtual meeting anyway so no problem envisaged.  Clerk to put on websites.


20/54:  Next meeting – 14th January 2021. 

                                                                                            Meeting closed 8.30   pm.