May 2024 DRAFT Minutes Annual Parish Meeting

MINUTES of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Thursday 11th April 2024 at 7 pm in The Village Hall, Brant Broughton.
Before the meeting commenced a Fire Drill was carried out and all persons accounted for in the car park.
Cllrs M. George (in the Chair), J. and K. Salmon, P. Dunning and A. Early.  There were 3 members of the public (MoP).
1. Apologies:  Cllr S Swain and Cllr P Thornburn.
2. It was resolved to sign the Minutes of the APM held on 13th April 2023.
3. A MoP voiced his concerns over the dangerous crossroads at the A17 junction.  There had been a lot more serious accidents recently although no fatalities so far as we are aware.  He reminded us that on the A607 at Harmston there are traffic lights at a busy crossroads.  The volume of traffic on the A17 is very high and the potential Biomass site will make it worse.
C/C Marianne Overton arrived later in the evening and was asked to look into this.
4. Another MoP reported that quite a few hedges in the village are protruding onto the pavement.  She was advised that it is best to report these on Fix My Street.  In the alternative, if she gives the Clerk relevant addresses we can write to the owners and ask them to cut back the hedges failing which LCC will be informed.
5. Another MoP thanked the PC for its support regarding his complaint with toilets filling up in floods.  NK have now stepped in and drains have been investigated and are working a lot better – Anglian Water stepped in too.  Thanks also to Andrew and Lucille Hagues.
We were asked if a flagpole on the village green was a possibility and this was discussed in the following meeting.
Meeting closed at 6.58 pm 

Document to be added when available